

* 祝你們新婚愉快,百年好合!

Congratulations on your new wedding and may you both live a hundred years together!

* 願你倆恩恩愛愛,意篤情深,此生愛情永恆,愛心與日俱增。

May you both have an everlasting love and feelings between you both. May your love for each other grow with every passing day.

* 祝福你們兩個,願你們的婚姻像樹一樣根深蒂固,像太陽一樣永恆不變。

Wish you both a happy life together. May your marriage be as strong and as eternal as a tree, as sunshine.

* 願你們共享幸福,共度餘生。

May you both share happiness and joy together for the rest of your lives.

