

* 揮別昨日的自己,迎接新一年的挑戰。 Say goodbye to the old self and greet the challenges of the new year.

* 新的一年,新的開始。 A new year, a new beginning.

* 願新的一年平安喜樂,萬事勝意。 May the new year be filled with peace and joy, and all things go well.

* 新年新氣象,祝你身體健康,萬事如意。 Good health and everything go as planned in the new year.

* 新年快樂,闔家幸福。 Happy New Year and happy family.

* 新的一年,新的征程。 A new year, a new journey.

* 願你在新的一年裡,事事如意,步步高升。 May you have everything go as planned in the new year and make progress step by step.

