

* 新年快樂,萬事如意! Happy New Year and all the best things to you!

* 祝福你,新年快樂。 Wishing you a happy New Year.

* 願你有一個美好的新年。 May you have a wonderful new year.

* 新年快樂,笑口常開。 Happy New Year and keep smiling!

* 願你的新年充滿幸福和溫馨。 May your New Year be filled with happiness and warmth.

* 祝福你在新的一年裡平安幸福。 Wishing you peace and happiness in the New Year.

* 祝你在新的一年裡萬事勝意。 Wishing you all the best in the New Year.

* 祝你在新的一年裡天天開心,事業有成。 May you have joyful days and successful careers in the New Year.

* 祝福你的生活充滿陽光,新年快樂! Wishing your life is filled with sunshine, and a happy New Year!

