

* 旅行是主角和配角的不斷更替,你是彼岸的花,很美。花很痴迷旅行,但也很寂寞。

Travel is a constant switching of protagonists and supporting characters. You are the flower on the other side, very beautiful. The flower is very passionate about traveling, but it's also very lonely.

* 旅行最怕的就是到了目的地,發現這不是我要的。

The worst thing about traveling is when you arrive at your destination and realize it's not what you were looking for.

* 當你下定決心準備出發時,最令人遺憾的是,有些人還沒說完就天各一方了。

The most regrettable thing when you're ready to set off is that some people part ways before finishing their sentences.

* 一個人旅行,看看沿途有沒有我,如果我正好路過那裡,我一定好好陪你。

When traveling alone, take a look along the way to see if there is me. If I happen to be passing by there, I will definitely make sure to accompany you well.

* 旅行不只是為了逃避生活的苟且,更是為了認識旅行的好處。

Traveling is not just to escape the trivialities of life, but also to recognize the benefits of travel.

* 旅行不只是為了逃離生活的苟且,更是為了遇見更好的自己。

Traveling is not just about escaping from the daily grind, but also about meeting a better version of yourself.
