

1. Time flies, and we must pursue it bravely.(時光如梭,我們必須勇敢地追求它。)

2. Time is money, and it is the most valuable resource.(時間就是金錢,它是最寶貴的資源。)

3. There is no time like the present, so seize the day.(現在就是最好的時間,所以抓住今天。)

4. Time heals all wounds, but it also makes new ones.(時間可以治癒一切傷口,也可以帶來新的傷痛。)

5. Time is a great healer, and it brings peace and tranquility.(時間是偉大的治癒者,它能帶來平靜與安寧。)

6. Time flies, and we should cherish every moment of it.(時間飛逝,我們應該珍惜每一刻。)

7. Time is a great teacher, and it teaches us to grow and change.(時間是一位偉大的老師,它教會我們成長和變化。)

