

1. "Love is like a butterfly, it flies when it wishes and it sings only when it feels like it." (Rumi)

2. "A heart that loves is always young."

3. "Behind every beautiful girl, there is a thoughtful mother."

4. "If you love her, let her go, for if she returns, it is for ever; if she does not, at least she has given you an opportunity to prove your love." (John O'Donohue)

5. "I would rather remember the moments of love than the moments of happiness." (Anonymous)

6. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." (Forrest Gump)

7. "Love is like a symphony, it must be listened to with pure ears and open mind." (Unknown)

8. "When you love someone, all the good things in life fall into place."

9. "A man loves his sweetheart more than anyone else in the world." (Irish Proverb)

10. "I would give my life for one single moment with you again." (Romance)

