
以下是一篇可能的英文作文,標題為「School Reunion」:

School Reunion

Today is the school reunion, a time for old friends and classmates to gather and reminisce about the good old days. The atmosphere is lively and joyful, with many people chatting and catching up on each other's lives.

I arrived early and was greeted by some of my old classmates, who were happy to see me. We spent the afternoon catching up on each other's lives, sharing stories and laughing about old memories. We even had a few impromptu games of table tennis and basketball, which brought back memories of our youthful days.

The school has changed a lot since we left, but it still feels like home. The old buildings, the familiar landscaping, and the friendly faces made me feel right at home. We took some group photos and then headed back to our respective homes to end the day on a high note.

The school reunion was a great way to reconnect with old friends and classmates, and to remember the good times we had together. It was also a chance to see how the school had changed, but still retained its old-school charm. I hope to attend more school reunions in the future and relive those happy memories.
