

《漢塞爾和格雷特》 (Hänsel und Gretel)

Once upon a time there were two poor parents who had no children of their own. They were very sad about it and prayed to God every day. One day, they received a letter from God saying that He would grant them a wish and they could ask for anything they wanted. The parents were very happy and decided to ask for a beautiful child.

The next day, as they were walking through the forest, they came across a beautiful house with a brightly lit entrance. They knocked on the door and a kind-looking old lady answered. She asked them what they wanted and they explained their wish. The old lady smiled and said, 「I will give you a beautiful child, but you must promise to raise it well and feed it well.」

The parents agreed and soon they found themselves standing in front of a door, where they could see their beautiful child waiting for them. They fell in love with it immediately and were so happy that they had a child at last.

A few days later, the child was invited to the witch』s house again. The parents agreed to let the child go, but they would be waiting outside with a knife in case something happened to the child. The child went happily into the witch』s house, but when she came back home, she was so skinny and hungry that the parents were very worried. They asked the child what happened and she said that she had been given some candies by the witch and she ate them all up. She explained that she was starving all the time because she had not eaten for days.

The parents realized that they had made a mistake and that they should not have given in to their greed. They decided to go back to the witch』s house and ask for their child back. When they arrived, they found that the witch had turned into a big cage with a sign saying 「Feed me or die!」 The parents were so frightened that they could not move, but then they heard a voice saying, 「Don』t be afraid, I will help you.」 It was God who appeared and said that He would take the child back to heaven with Him.

The parents were very happy to have their child back safe and sound and they realized that God was always there for them. They vowed to always be good parents and raise their child well.

This story teaches us that greed can lead us astray and that we should always be grateful for what we have and treat others well.
