
故事標題:The Little Match Girl

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to play outside on winter nights with her matches. She would light a match, watch it flicker, and imagine all sorts of wonderful things. One winter night, she ventured out again with her matches, but this time, she found herself outside a poor house with no one around.

As she played, she lit a match after every few steps, and each time she saw a new sight: a lonely tree, a patch of snow, a dark corner. Suddenly, she heard a howl from a nearby dog and felt a chill in the air. She quickly struck another match and looked around for shelter.

As she walked towards the house, she noticed that the windows were dark and cold. She hoped that someone was home, but as she approached the door, she realized that no one was there. She decided to light a match and see if she could find a way inside.

She struck the match and held it up to the door, but it went out before it could illuminate the doorway. She struck another match and held it up to the door handle, and this time, it lit up the entire doorway. She walked inside and found a warm fire and a beautiful fireplace with a beautiful red rug.

She sat down by the fire and looked around at the beautiful room. Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. It was the same dog from earlier, with its owner who had been lost in the cold. The little girl gave him some of her remaining matches and they both sat by the fire to warm up.

The little girl realized that she had found a new friend in the little dog, and they both sat by the fire until morning. As she left, she realized that she had learned an important lesson about kindness and compassion for others.

The Little Match Girl had found a new friend and a new understanding of the importance of kindness in her life. She knew that no matter what challenges came her way, she would always remember that kindness can warm a cold night and bring people together.
