

* 中文版:

* 人生有兩件事我最清楚:一是無論你現在處於什麼樣的環境,你都有能力去改變;二是,人生絕不是一場零和遊戲,你付出的努力一定會有回報。現在,就讓我們開始向著標竿人生進發吧!

* The two things I am most clear about in life are: no matter where you are now, you have the ability to change; and that life is not a zero-sum game, and your efforts will definitely be rewarded. So, let's start towards achieving benchmark life!

* 英文版:

* The two things I am most clear about in life are: one, no matter where you are now, you have the ability to change; and two, life is not a zero-sum game, and your efforts will definitely be rewarded. So, let's start towards achieving benchmark life!

