

1. 凡人皆有一死(All men have died)。

2. 龍是不會輕易哭泣的(Dragons do not weep)。

3. 唯有恐懼,方可賦予勇氣(Courage is only fear laid to rest)。

4. 家人是最不能分享給別人的東西(Family is something you don't share with anyone)。

5. 婚姻的真正目的就是讓愛情腐朽(The real purpose of marriage is to let love rot)。

6. 唯一不變的是變化本身(The only constant is change)。

7. 當你高高在上時,你怎麼可能關心那些處於底部的人呢?(How can you care about the people at the bottom when you're perched at the top?)

8. 在維斯特洛,有兩種人被稱作貴族,一種是真的,一種是裝的(In Westeros, there are two kinds of people called noble, the true ones and the pretending ones)。

9. 一生的戰鬥,贏一把就夠(A man spends a lifetime fighting and wins one single battle)。

