

* 王權沒有永恆(The power of the Seven Kings does not last forever)。

* 凡人皆有一死(All men must die)。

* 故事的真相從來都不在我們的控制之下(The truth of the story is never in our control)。

* 當你為一件事情拚命的時候,你甚至無法記得你曾經快樂過(When you're fighting for something, you can't even remember what happiness is)。

* 恐懼比利劍更傷人(Fear is a stronger weapon than a sword)。

* 你們何不放下武器,攜手合作呢?(Why don't you put down your weapons and work together?)

* 你們以為只要你們站在風口浪尖,就能掌握世界,可你們卻連自己都掌握不了(You think if you stand on the edge of the storm, you can master the world, but you can't even master yourselves)。

* 記住,恐懼是我們最偉大的敵人,但也是我們最強大的武器(Remember, fear is our greatest enemy, but also our greatest weapon)。

* 記住,永遠別相信輕易得來的勝利(Remember, never trust a victory that comes easy)。

