

* 願你滿月快樂,幸福圍繞!May you have a full moon and happiness surround you!

* 願你滿月之際,萬事如意,幸福安康!Wishing you a fulfilling life filled with happiness and success on your month-old occasion.

* 祝你的滿月無災無難,一生平安!Wishing your full moon brings you peace and happiness without any disasters or troubles in your life.

* 滿月之時,萬事勝意,如意吉祥!At the moment of full moon, may all things go well in your life, filled with happiness and good luck!

* 祝福你的滿月,一切順順利利,平平安安!Wishing your full moon brings you success and peace in all aspects of your life.

