

Thunder and lightning, stormy clouds above,

The rain is pouring down in torrents,

Yet the waterfall stands strong and true,

A beautiful sight to behold.

Its roar is loud and powerful,

A symphony of nature's music,

As the water rushes down the rocky face,

Creating a masterpiece of nature.

The spray from the falls is like a veil of mist,

Floating in the air and dancing in the breeze,

As the waterfalls' rhythm is felt in every pore,

A sense of tranquility and peace.

The waterfall is a symbol of strength and persistence,

A testament to the power of nature,

As it flows over and over again,

Never giving up, never losing hope.

So let us stand in awe of this beautiful sight,

And be reminded of the power of nature,

As we witness the beauty and majesty of the waterfall,

Let us cherish it and be grateful for its presence.
