

* 狗年祝你萬事如意,平安快樂。May all your wishes come true in the Year of the Dog, and may you have peace and happiness.

* 在狗年,祝你心想事成,萬事勝意。Wishing you all the best in the Year of the Dog, filled with success and happiness in everything you do.

* 在狗年到來之際,祝你身體健康,萬事如意。Wishing you good health and happiness as we enter the Year of the Dog.

* 願你在狗年裡,快樂多多,收穫滿滿。Wishing you lots of joy and fulfillment in the Year of the Dog.

* 恭賀新禧,萬事順遂,闔家安康,福滿狗年。Wishing you happiness and fulfillment throughout the New Year, filled with good health, family love, and prosperity.

