

1. 「記住,太陽每天都會升起,新的開始。」 - "Remember, the sun rises every day, and a new beginning."

2. 「你是我心中的英雄,我永遠愛你。」 - "You are my hero, and I love you forever."

3. 「每一天都是新的開始,今天我們為自由而戰。」 - "Every day is a new beginning, today we fight for freedom."

4. 「無論前方有多麼困難,我們都要團結一致。」 - "No matter how difficult the road ahead may be, we must stand united."

5. 「我是獅子,我要戰鬥。」 - "I am a lion, and I will fight."

6. 「這個世界需要我們的聲音,需要我們的愛。」 - "This world needs our voices, it needs our love."

7. 「我們不能放棄,我們要繼續前進。」 - "We cannot give up, we must continue moving forward."

8. 「我們是未來的希望,我們是獅子的後代。」 - "We are the hope for the future, we are the descendants of the lion."

