

* 願你的生日充滿無窮的快樂,願你今天的回憶溫馨,願你所有的夢想甜美,願你這一年稱心如意! May your birthday be filled with endless joy, may today be filled with lovely memories for you, all your dreams come true!

* 願你的生日特別快樂,願新的一年中心想事成! May your birthday be very happy, may the new year bring you all you wish for!

* 願祝福縈繞著你,在你繽紛的人生之旅,在你永遠與春天接壤的夢幻里。祝你:心想事成、幸福快樂! May happiness follow you wherever you go in life, and dreams come true!

* 在你生日的這一天,將快樂的音符,作為禮物送給你,祝你快樂,一年365天都快樂! On your birthday, as a gift, may the melody of joy bring you happiness, happiness throughout the year, 365 days a day!

