

1. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. (生活就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。)

2. Time flies. (時光如梭。)

3. Life is like a journey, it's full of ups and downs, but it's worth taking the road less traveled. (生活就像一段旅程,充滿了起伏,但值得走那條少有人走的路。)

4. Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. (幸福不是已經完成好的作品,而是由你自己的行為創造的。)

5. Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. (當你努力做出其他計畫時,生活會隨機發生的事情。)

6. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. (成功不是終點,失敗也不是致命的:繼續前行的勇氣才是最重要的。)

7. It is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. (決定勝負的不是戰鬥規模的大小,而是戰鬥中的勇氣。)

8. Live each day as if it's your last, for one day you'll be right. (把每一天都當作最後一天來過,總有一天你會是正確的。)

