

* 祝你前程似錦,一切順順利利。May your future be as bright as the stars and smooth as the moon![1]

* 願你乘風破浪,未來可期。Wishing you all a smooth journey across the waves, and a bright future ahead.

* 祝你畢業快樂,未來無限。Congratulations on graduating, and endless future ahead.

* 願你勇往直前,迎接新的挑戰。Wishing you courage to move forward and embrace new challenges.

* 祝你學業有成,事事順心。May your studies be fruitful and all your endeavors successful.

* 願你找到心儀的工作,開啟新的篇章。Wishing you a dream job and a new chapter in life.

* 畢業快樂,未來在你前方熠熠生輝。Congratulations on graduating, and the future shines brightly ahead of you.

