

* 願你事事看開,唯獨對美好保持執念,好運會如期而至,快樂永不離去。

May you open up to everything except what is good, and good luck will come as scheduled. Happiness will never leave.

* 願你奮力拚搏,去感受世間萬物之美,願你踏實走好每一步,祝你未來繁花似錦。

May you strive hard to appreciate the beauty of everything in the world. May you take every step steadily, and wish you a future filled with flowers.

* 願你前程似錦,幸福安康。

May your future be prosperous and healthy.

* 願你所有的努力都不被辜負,所有的歡喜都如約而至。

May all your efforts be rewarded, and all your joys come as scheduled.

* 願你的世界平安無災,幸福美滿,人生灑脫自在。

May your world be safe from disaster, filled with happiness and fulfillment, and your life be free and carefree.

* 願你的每一天都充滿陽光,新的一年一切順遂。

May every day of your day be filled with sunshine, and all wishes come true in the new year.

