

1. 祝賀你!

Congratulations to you!

2. 祝賀你的成功!

Congratulations on your success!

3. 願你前程似錦。

Best wishes for a bright future.

4. 願你的未來充滿陽光。

May your future be filled with sunshine.

5. 祝賀你的成就,並期待你的更多成就。

Congratulations on your achievements and look forward to more in the future.

6. 祝賀你取得了重大進步!

Congratulations on your significant progress!

7. 願你的生活充滿幸福和快樂。

Wishing you happiness and joy in your life.

8. 再次祝賀你的成就。

Congratulations again on your achievements.

9. 祝賀你贏得這場比賽!

Congratulations on winning the game!

10. 願好運永遠陪伴你。

May good luck always accompany you.
