

* 等待愛情,就像等待太陽每天都會從地平線上升起一樣,是一種必須,也是一種幸福。 Waiting for love is like waiting for the sun to rise on the horizon every day, a must and also a kind of happiness. * 我並不渴望等待愛情,但我不知道如何對待痛苦。等待是一種解決不了任何問題的手段,而解決痛苦需要我們自己去做些什麼。 I don't really crave for waiting for love, but I don't know how to deal with the pain. Waiting is just a means to solve nothing, and to deal with the pain, we need to do something ourselves.

* 愛情,等待,然後放手。 Love, waiting, then letting go.

* 愛情,總是在不經意間到來,而我們要做的就是等待和珍惜。 Love comes unexpectedly, and what we should do is to wait and cherish it.

* 愛情是一場漫長的等待,但等待也是一種幸福。 Love is a long wait, but waiting is also a kind of happiness.

