

1. 讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。——Reading thousands of books, writing as if with inspiration.

2. 靜以修身,親以養性。——Calmness for self-cultivation, kindness for nurturing one's nature.

3. 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者。——The knowing is not as good as the fond one, the fond one is not as good as the delighted one.

4. 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網。——Wishing for fish at the edge of the abyss, it's not as good as making a net.

5. 學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。——Learning without thinking leads to confusion, thinking without learning is perilous.

6. 吾生也有涯,而知也無涯。——My life is limited, but knowledge is endless.

7. 人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。——No man can live forever, only one's sincere heart can shine through history.

8. 山不在高,有仙則名。——The mountain is not high, but it is famous because of the fairy.

