

1. As long as you are here, time is immaterial.只要你在這裡,時間就似乎已經不再那麼重要了。

2. Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases to fly away. 愛情就像一隻蝴蝶,它喜歡去哪裡就飛去哪裡,喜歡飛走就飛走。

3. When I feel lonely, I look at the sky. Then I feel better. 當我覺得孤獨的時候,我就會看看天空。那樣我就會覺得好多了。

4. It doesn't matter where we are, as long as I have you by my side. 無論我們在哪裡,只要你在我身邊就好了。

5. The way to my heart is simple, just follow me and you will find it. 通往我心裡的路很簡單,只需要跟隨我即可找到。

6. The sweetness of our love is like a melody that can't be contained. 我們的愛情的甜蜜就像一個無法被禁錮的旋律。

7. My heart belongs to you, because you are the only one I have ever really wanted. 我的心屬於你,因為你是我唯一真正想要的人。

8. The moment I saw you, I knew there was something special about you. 一看到你,我就知道你與眾不同。

9. Love is like a river, it flows into every heart that longs for it. 愛情就像一條河流,它流入每一個渴望它的心靈。

10. When I think of you, I realize what a joy you are in my life. 一想到你,我就意識到你在我生命中的喜悅。
