

1. "I'll be back." (星球大戰系列) - "I will return."

2. "Rose Tico, you are the key to this mission." (復仇者聯盟) - "Rose Tico, you are the key to this mission."

3. "It's not about winning, it's about taking risks and learning from them." (阿甘正傳) - "It's not about winning, it's about taking risks and learning from them."

4. "You're the best there is, but you're not the only one here." (復仇者聯盟) - "You are the best of what there is, but you are not the only one here."

5. "You can't handle the truth!" (七宗罪) - "You can't handle the truth!"

6. "I'm king of the world!" (泰坦尼克號) - "I am king of the world!"

7. "You're my best friend in the world." (阿甘正傳) - "You are my best friend in the world."

8. "Hello, darkness, my old friend... (The Dark Knight) - "Hello, darkness, my old friend..."

