

1. A big black bug bit a big black bee on the lip, and the big black bee swapped big black bug bites for a big black bug on the knee. (大黑蟲在大黑蜂的嘴唇上叮了個大包,於是大黑蜂就在膝蓋上叮了個大黑蟲作為回應。)

2. How many cookies could a cookie cutter cut? A cookie cutter cuts cookies one by one. (切割餅乾切割器可以切割多少個餅乾?一個餅乾切割器可以一個接一個地切割餅乾。)

3. A tall tall tree stood a small small star. Said a little star to a tall tall tree, 「How am I like a tall tall tree?」 Said the tall tall tree, 「You are up high and shine bright.」 (高高的樹上是小小的星星,小小的星星對高高的樹說:「我是怎麼像高高的樹?」高高的樹說:「你高高在上,光芒四照。」)

4. A flea and a fly flew up in to a flue. Said the flea to the fly, 「Let us fly!」 Said the fly to the flea, 「No we won't!」 Said the flue, 「You can fly or you can stay here.」 (一隻跳蚤和一隻蝴蝶飛到煙囪里,跳蚤對蝴蝶說:「我們飛吧!」蝴蝶對跳蚤說:「不行,我們不會!」煙囪說:「你們只能選擇飛,或者留在這裡。」)

