

1. 祝福你們新婚愉快,幸福美滿! May you have a happy and fulfilling marriage.

2. 祝福你倆佳偶天成,鸞鳳和鳴! Wishing you both a wonderful match, like birds of paradise singing together.

3. 幸福滿滿的婚姻,祝福你們! Blissful marriage, wishing you both a happy life together.

4. 願你倆的愛情甜甜蜜蜜,永結同心! May your love be sweet and eternal, joining hearts forever!

5. 祝你們永浴愛河,新婚大喜! Wishing you both to enjoy the pleasures of love forever and have a grand wedding!

6. 百年好合,永結同心! May you both stay together for a hundred years, uniting your hearts forever!

