

1. Intelligence is more important than IQ.

2. I do not think the masses are immature, I think they are very mature. The problem is that they have been indoctrinated.

3. We should try to learn to love those less fortunate than ourselves, for it is the weakness of those less fortunate than ourselves that is most painful to see.

4. Most men in one way or another use as an excuse for their indifference to others』 fate their intense personal feelings and beliefs, as in these words, they themselves can seldom know where these impulses towards loving, hatred and righteous indignation stand from really convincing people of both major ideologies on each.

另外還有 "Never let your love of justice get out of balance with your love of life." 等等。具體還需要羅素的其他名言,可以查看相關資料。
