
英文故事題目:The Mouse's Wedding英文故事:

Once upon a time, there was a mouse who was getting married. His family and friends were gathered together to celebrate the special occasion.

During the wedding feast, the mouse asked all of his guests to participate in a fun activity. He explained that they would each create a wedding gift for the newlyweds, and then the best gift would be awarded a prize.

The mice and other small animals eagerly began to work together to create unique gifts. Some made a beautiful bedspread out of soft fabric, while others created a delicious treat for the newlyweds' first meal together.

As the day progressed, the guests continued to share their gifts with one another and admire each other's creations. Finally, it was time for the prize ceremony.

The mouse who was about to receive the prize looked around at all of the wonderful gifts and was overwhelmed with emotion. Then he noticed a gift that was even more unique than all of the others. It was a beautiful picture that depicted the mouse's wedding day, with all of his loved ones gathered around him and celebrating.

The mouse who had created this gift explained that it was a gift from his mother, who had passed away recently. He said that she would have loved to be there to witness this special day and that he hoped his gift would bring joy to everyone.

The mouse who had created the most unique and heartfelt gift was moved to tears as he accepted the prize. He thanked everyone for their participation and dedication to making this day so special for his friends and family.

From then on, every mouse wedding would include a prize ceremony for the best gift, but there would always be extra special recognition for those who could not be there to witness it themselves.
