

1. "Merry Christmas!"

2. "Season's Greetings!"

3. "Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!"

4. "Wishing you Joy, Love and Peace in this Christmas season!"

5. "Wishing you a beautiful Christmas full of joy and happiness!"

6. "A Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!"

7. "Wishing you the joy of Christmas and the peace of the New Year."

8. "Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!"

以上是一些常用的表達方式,你可以根據自己的具體情況進行調整或添加一些個性化的表達。同時,如果你想要更有深度的表達,可以考慮使用一些關於耶誕節的英文諺語或名言,如「God bless you with love, peace and joy at Christmas time」這樣的表達。
