

1. Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year! 祝你聖誕節和新年快樂!

2. May the spirit of Christmas be with you wherever you are. 無論您身在何處,都願聖誕佳節的喜悅與您同在。

3. A Christmas greeting to brighten your day. 獻上聖誕捎給你一份快樂。

4. May this Christmas season bring warmth and peace to you and your family. 願這個聖誕節帶給你溫馨和和平。

5. A Christmas greeting to you from someone you may not know, but who cares. 寄上一份禮物給你你根本不認識的人,但卻關心你的人。

6. A happy and prosperous holiday season. 祝您節日快樂,佳節如意。

7. May the joy of Christmas be with you throughout the year. 願聖誕的快樂一年四季常在。

