

1. 「Work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching.」(工作好似你不需要錢,愛情好似你從未受傷過,跳舞好似沒人看一樣。)

2. 「It takes years to build up trust and seconds to destroy it.」(建立多年的信任需要幾年,而毀掉它只需幾秒。)

3. 「I will wear only those outfits that bring out my best, that take my weaknesses and turn them into strengths, that help me dress for success.」(我只穿能展現我的優點、把我的缺點轉化為優點的衣服,幫助我獲得成功的衣服。)。

4. 「It's not about how to survive the work place, it's about how to thrive.」(關鍵不在於如何在職場生存,而在於如何蓬勃發展。)。

5. 「In the workplace, there's no such thing as an overnight success.」(在職場中,一夜成名這種事是不存在的。)

6. 「Whether you believe you can or cannot, you are right.」(信或不信,你都是對的。)

