

1. "Great nature makes all things that she can, And every one to have an end in use."(造化所能創造的事物都顯得如此壯麗,且凡物都有終結。)

2. "It is not the fashion to speak well of each other, yet I think there is no reason in the world why a man should not praise his friend, nor a woman be pleased with her lover."(不是沒禮貌的時候互相說好話的時尚,但我認為這個世界上沒有任何理由一個人不說他的朋友好,女人不會高興,和戀人也會為彼此心動。)

3. "Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall."(有的人因罪惡而崛起,有的人因美德而墮落。)

4. "Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."(人一生中總會有些時候是命運的主宰者,布魯圖斯,錯誤不是出在我們的命運上,而是出在我們自己身上。)

