

The Mouse and the Sparrow

Once upon a time, there was a little mouse who lived in a hole in the ground. He was lonely and missed the company of other animals. One day, a little bird flew by and landed on the ground near the mouse's hole. They started chatting and soon became good friends.

The mouse and the bird would often play together, exploring the forest and having fun. They shared their food and nestled together on cold nights. The mouse taught the bird how to avoid traps and predators, and the bird taught the mouse how to fly.

However, one day, the mouse found himself in a dangerous situation. A hunter had set a trap with a piece of cheese just outside his hole. The mouse was too scared to move and was about to be caught when the bird came to his rescue.

The bird flew up and chirped loudly, alerting other animals in the forest. They came to help the mouse and together they were able to avoid the trap. Afterwards, the mouse and the bird vowed to be there for each other in times of need, no matter what.

This story teaches us that true friendship is unbreakable and can help us overcome any obstacle. It is always important to have a friend who will be there for you when you need them the most.
