

1. "The view from the top is spectacular."(山頂的美景壯觀無比。)

2. "The sunrise over the ocean is breathtaking."(海上的日出令人驚嘆。)

3. "The forest is filled with the sound of birds singing."(森林裡充滿了鳥兒的歌聲。)

4. "The mountains appear to go on forever."(山脈似乎永無盡頭。)

5. "The raindrops splatter against the pavement."(雨滴稀疏地打在人行道上。)

6. "The sky is a deep, clear blue."(天空深邃清澈,藍得如同一面鏡子。)

7. "The fields are filled with the beauty of spring."(田野里充滿了春天的美麗。)

8. "The snow-capped mountains stand tall and majestic."(雪山巍峨壯觀,聳立在天際。)

9. "The lake reflects the clouds and trees in its still waters."(湖泊平靜的水面倒映著雲彩和樹木。)

10. "The rainbow appears against the dark clouds."(雨後,彩虹出現在烏雲之後。)

