
英文故事教學:The Old Cat and the New Cat


Once upon a time, there was an old cat and a new cat living together in a house. The old cat was very wise and experienced, while the new cat was young and curious. One day, the old cat found a fish in the kitchen and started to eat it. The new cat came in and saw the fish, but it didn't understand what it was. The old cat taught the new cat how to catch mice and other small animals, but the new cat didn't seem interested.


1. 發音和語音:在故事中,可以教孩子們注意單詞的發音,特別是輔音和元音的組合。例如,在「old cat」和「new cat」中,輔音「l」和「n」發音不同。在「fish」和「cat」中,元音「i」和「a」發音也不同。

2. 辭彙學習:通過這個故事,可以教孩子們一些常見的辭彙和短語,如「live together」、「eat」、「see」、「teach」、「interesting」、「not interested」等。

3. 語法學習:在這個故事中,可以教孩子們簡單的語法結構,如主語+動詞+賓語(如「The old cat taught the new cat...」)和時間狀語(如「One day...」)

4. 故事結構和講述:在講述故事時,可以強調故事的結構和連貫性。例如,可以告訴孩子們這個故事有一個開始(Once upon a time),發展(The old cat and the new cat lived together...),和高潮(One day, the old cat taught the new cat how to...)。通過這種方式,孩子們可以更好地理解故事的結構。

