

相簿名稱:A Trip to the Beach

1. 圖片一:一家人正在海邊玩耍,爸爸在沙灘上打排球,媽媽和孩子在海邊嬉戲。

Story: A family had a great time at the beach. The father was playing volleyball on the sand, while the mother and child played in the waves.

2. 圖片二:媽媽在給孩子們準備午餐,他們正在海邊燒烤。

Story: The mother was preparing lunch for the children, who were grilling some food on the beach.

3. 圖片三:孩子們在海里游泳,爸爸在岸邊拍照。

Story: The children were swimming in the ocean, while the father took photos from the shore.

4. 圖片四:一家人在海邊晚餐,享用著美味的海鮮。

Story: The family enjoyed a delicious seafood dinner on the beach.

5. 圖片五:一家人在海邊告別,期待下一次的旅行。

Story: As the family said goodbye to the beach, they looked forward to their next adventure.

