

1. Knowledge is power.(知識就是力量。)

2. Knowlege gives us the ability to control our environment.(知識給我們能力去控制我們的環境。)

3. Learning is not complete until we have tested our knowledge and found it to be true.(在檢驗我們的知識之前,學習是不完整的。)

4. The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.(為明天做準備的最好方法就是集中你所有智慧,所有的熱忱,把今天的工作做得盡善盡美。)

5. Wisdom is to be got by wisdom, and industry by industry. (獲得知識的最佳方法就是吸取知識,培養才能的最可靠手段就是刻苦工作。)

6. One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of precepts.(一次痛苦的經驗抵得上千百次的勸誡。)

7. A little learning is a dangerous thing.(淺薄的知識是危險的。)

8. Knowledge is knowing you don't know anything; but wisdom is knowing what to do when you don't know what to do. (知識是指你知道你一無所知;但智慧則是當你在不知道的時候你知道了該做什麼。)

