
故事標題:The Adventures of a Little Stone








Once upon a time, in a remote valley, there was a small stone that dreamed of adventure. One day, it decided to leave the valley and explore the unknown world.

The little stone began its journey of adventure. It traveled through the forest, climbed the mountains, and leaped across small streams. It met many new friends and learned many new things.

One day, the little stone came to a grassland and saw a small rabbit eating grass. Curious, it asked, "Why do you eat grass, little rabbit?" The rabbit replied, "Because I am a herbivore and need to eat grass to sustain my life."

The little stone was very surprised and had never imagined that one of the members of the food chain could be like this. So, it continued its journey and hoped to learn more about this world.

After the adventure, the little stone returned to the valley a smarter, braver, and stronger than before. It was no longer just a small stone, but an adventurer with stories and knowledge.
