

Once upon a time in China, there was a great general named Cao Cao. He was known for his military skills and strategic thinking. One day, he ordered his men to build many boats covered with grass to launch an attack on a neighboring country. However, he soon realized that there was not enough time to train his men in the use of these boats.

At this time, a young man named Zhang Fei came forward with a brilliant idea. He suggested that they use their own men to dress up in grass and pretend to be enemy ships, thus luring out the enemy's arrows and defending their own boats. This plan was accepted and soon, the boats were launched into the river with their men dressed in grass.

The enemy soon saw these boats and began shooting arrows at them. However, they were unable to hit the real enemy because they were all hidden under the grass. The arrows fell harmlessly into the river and protected the real soldiers inside the boats. After a while, the enemy gave up and withdrew, leaving behind a huge amount of arrows.

With their plan successfully executed, the boats emerged victorious and Cao Cao praised Zhang Fei for his bravery and ingenuity. This story of "using grass boats to borrow arrows" became legendary in Chinese history and was known as a symbol of strategic thinking and courage.

