

1. 一個人只有在低劣的環境中才能盡顯他的品格。

One can only show one's true character in a inferior environment.

2. 知識,無非就是忍耐……

Knowledge is nothing but endurance.

3. 每個人都有他自己的路,需要自我去發現,去辨明。

Everyone has his own path that needs to be discovered and clarified by oneself.

4. 人的嘴巴所能發出最甜美的字眼就是「愛情」。

The sweetest word that one's mouth can emit is "love".

5. 我們所有選擇都回到了未被驚擾的自然,這就應當滿足了。

All the choices we have, as if untouched by nature, should be sufficient.

6. 人並非完全被註定的命運主宰著,人類最難得的是掙脫自己往昔的一切。

Human beings are not completely ruled by their predetermined fate. The most difficult thing for humans is to break free from their past.

