

1. 什麼是資產負債表?

答:What is the balance sheet?

2. 什麼是利潤表?

答:What is the income statement?

3. 什麼是現金流量表?

答:What is the cash flow statement?

4. 我們的利潤率是多少?

答:What is our profit margin?

5. 你們去年的總銷售額是多少?

答:What was your total sales last year?

6. 我們的稅前利潤是多少?

答:What was our pre-tax profit?

7. 我們的應收賬款周轉率是多少?

答:What is our accounts receivable turn?

8. 你們的存貨周轉率是多少?

答:What is our inventory turn?

9. 你們如何管理現金流?

答:How do you manage cash flow?

10. 我們的資產結構是什麼?

答:What is our asset structure?

11. 我們的負債結構是什麼?

答:What is our liability structure?

12. 我們應該如何降低負債?

答:How should we reduce our liabilities?

13. 我們需要審計財務報表嗎?

答:Do we need to have our financial statements audited?

14. 這份財務報表是否準確反映了公司的財務狀況?

答:Does this financial statement accurately reflect the company's financial condition?

