

1. 你的工作將占據你生活的大部分時間,唯一真正得到滿足的方式就是做你相信是偉大的工作。

2. 成為墓地里最快的那一個。

3. 求知若飢,虛心若愚。

4. 成為偉人固然偉大,但偉大的你更是人。

5. 不要失去理想,哪怕它多麼卑微;不要埋沒自我,哪怕他人笑我;不要放棄追求,哪怕他人懷疑你;不要畏懼失敗,哪怕暫時落後。


1. Your job will take up most of your time, the only way to truly be satisfied is to do great work you believe in.

2. Be the fastest one in the graveyard.

3. Know like a hunger, humble like a fool.

4. Being great is great, but a great you is even better.

5. Don't lose your ideals, even if they are humble; Don't hide yourself, even if others laugh at you; Don't give up pursuing, even if others doubt you; Don't be afraid of failure, even if you are temporarily behind.

