

* 願新的一年,所有的希望都能如願,所有的夢想都能實現,所有的等待都能出現,所有的付出都能兌現。[Wish all hopes can come true, all dreams can be realized, all waitings can appear, all efforts can be realized in the new year.]

* 新的一年,新的開始,新的征程,願我們從此刻起,一起努力,共同進步。[New year, new start, new journey. May we work hard and progress together from now on. ]

* 新的一年,願你的生活如陽光一樣溫暖,如星光一樣璀璨。[May your life be as warm as sunshine and as bright as stars in the new year.]

* 新的一年,祝你身體健康,萬事如意。[Wishing you good health and everything going your way in the new year.]

* 跨入新的一年,願你的生活充滿陽光,事業一帆風順。[Crossing into the new year, may your life be filled with sunshine and your career sail smoothly.]

* 祝你在新的一年裡心想事成,萬事如意。[Wishing you all the best in your new year as all your wishes come true.]

