

1. "I'm gonna take my ball and go home."(我要帶著我的球回家。)

2. "Why are you so interested in my family?"(你們為什麼對我家裡的事這麼感興趣?)

3. "You're so good at that!"(你真是太厲害了!)

4. "What's the point of having a pool if you don't have any pool friends?"(既然沒有泳池朋友,那游泳池還有什麼用呢?)

5. "I'm gonna go shoot some pool with my friends."(我要去和朋友們打打檯球。)

6. "I'm gonna go to the store and get some milk."(我要去商店買牛奶。)

7. "I'm gonna go to the mall and get some new clothes."(我要去商場買幾件新衣服。)

8. "I'm gonna go to the park and play with my dog."(我要去公園和我的狗玩。)

9. "I'm gonna go to the beach and have a good time."(我要去海灘好好享受一下。)

