

1. 「祝賀你,終於完成了職業生涯,享受你的退休生活吧!」

"Congratulations on completing your career, enjoy your retirement life!"

2. 「退休後,你可以做任何你想做的事,祝你度過一個愉快的晚年!」

"After retirement, you can do whatever you want, wish you a happy later life!"

3. 「願你在安靜的退休生活中找到幸福和滿足!」

"May you find happiness and satisfaction in your quiet retirement life!"

4. 「恭喜你,退休後你可以自由自在地做自己喜歡的事情了!」

"Congratulations, you can freely do what you like after retirement!"

5. 「退休後的你,可以更加關注自己的健康和享受生活了,祝你晚年生活幸福!」

"With retirement, you can focus more on your own health and enjoy life, wish you a happy later life!"
