

* 恭喜你順利退休,未來無限可能。

Congratulations on your smooth retirement, there are endless possibilities ahead.

* 願你在退休後,享受美好的生活。

Wishing you a happy and fulfilling life after retirement.

* 祝你退休生活豐富多彩,身體健康。

Wishing you a rich and fulfilling retirement, good health.

* 希望你的退休生活如詩如畫。

Hope your retirement days will be like poetry and painting.

* 祝你前程似錦,身體健康。

Wishing you a bright future full of health and happiness.

* 願你在退休後享受人生,做自己喜歡的事情。

May you enjoy life and do what you love after retirement.
