

* 勿忘昔日情,共創美好未來。 May our past memories remain forever, and create a bright future together.

* 再見了,願你一切安好。 Goodbye, hope all is well with you.

* 再見,願你前程似錦。 Goodbye, hope you have a bright future.

* 願此去繁花似錦,再相逢依舊如故。 Wishing you a bright future full of beautiful flowers, and meeting again as if no time has passed.

* 願此一別,再無相逢。 Wishing this separation would be permanent.

* 願此別後,各自安好。 Wishing you all the best after this goodbye.

* 再見,願未來再無相見。 Goodbye, hope we won't have to meet again.

* 珍重道別,期待再見。 Farewell with care, looking forward to meeting again.

* 珍重再見,願未來可期。 Farewell with care, hope for the best in the future.

* 願此去前程似錦,再相逢溫柔依舊。 Wishing you a bright future full of opportunities and gentle reunions.

