

1. "It is not the strongest or most intelligent species that survive, but the most adaptable to change."

* 生存下來的不是最強壯或最聰明的物種,能適應變化的物種才能生存。

2. "Survival of the fittest."

* 適者生存。

3. "We shape our tools, and then our tools shape us."

* 我們製造工具,然後工具塑造我們。

4. "The only certainties of life are that it will end and that we will not live forever."

* 生命中只有兩件事是確定的:它會結束,我們不會永遠活著。

5. "Variety is the spice of life."

* 多樣性是生活的調味品。

6. "Never be ashamed of the fact that you are the way you are."

* 永遠不要為自己的個性感到羞恥。

7. "Ignorance more frequently betrays us in politics than does cunning."

* 無知往往比狡詐更能使我們陷入政治困境。

