
重作馮婦是一個成語,比喻用同樣的方法,重犯過去的錯誤。這個成語來源於《孟子·盡心下》,晉人有馮婦者,善搏虎,過之則uen the name of the person being quoted here, He did not refer to an individual in specific, but rather to a group of people with a certain personality trait or quality. This character may represent an abstract idea or behavior. The original context in which the phrase was used was lost in translation, so it is difficult to provide a direct translation for this particular context.

In Chinese culture, there is a story called "The Story of Chongze Fengfu" that is similar to the story of the same name in Japanese. In this story, a man named Fengfu was known for his ability to fight wild animals, especially tigers. However, when he saw a crowd of people watching him, he lost his courage and became afraid of them. He later realized his mistake and tried to correct it by returning to his old habits of fighting wild animals.

Therefore, if someone is described as "to be like a new Fengfu" or "to repeat the mistakes of the past", it means that they are trying to correct their mistakes by taking corrective actions and not repeating the same mistakes again.
